Долучайся до вебінару «Electrification of land transport – technologies, challenges, and solutions»


Language Hub Житомирської політехніка запрошує долучитися до вебінару «Electrification of land transport – technologies, challenges, and solutions» за участі професора Mats Alaküla (Швеція), який відбудеться 9 грудня о 14.00.

Electrification of land transport, not least road transport, is today facilitated by the improvements of battery technology that gives most vehicles good range and performance. The energy transfer to the vehicles presents as big a challenge as the battery development, in terms of the power system load, the sheer number of fast charging stations and of their localization.

New technologies like “Electric Road Systems” are developing fast and has the potential to reduce the need for batteries and fast charging infrastructure significantly. The lecture gives a historic overview of the technology development and preview of the options related to upscaling of electro mobility.

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