Вебінар “Intergrated water resources management (IWRM)” за участі Dr. Linus Chang


Language Hub Житомирської політехніки запрошує взяти участь у вебінарі “Intergrated water resources management (IWRM)” за участі Dr. Linus Chang.

Linus Zhang has a B.Sc. in Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology from China and Ph.D. in water resources engineering, Lund University. He has in wide knowledge base in hydrology and water resources and long term experiences in research and development in both developed and developing countries.

His research interests include integrated water resources management, arid-zone hydrology, advanced and high-performance hydrological modeling and unsaturated zone hydrology.

Main international experiences are mainly from following countries: China, Germany, France, UK, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, and Iran. His has also high organizational, pedagogical and management skills in international project implementation.

Участь за попередньою реєстрацією

Початок у понеділок 11 липня 2022 року  о 14.00

Робоча мова: англійська, українська (надаємо супровід українською мовою)

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