Анонс онлайн-лекції Dr. Hana Umezawa для студентів спеціальності «Право» та всіх бажаючих на тему “UN Peacekeeping”


27 листопада 2020 року о 12.00 відбудеться відкрита онлайн-лекція Dr. Hana Umezawa для студентів спеціальності «Право» та всіх бажаючих на тему “UN Peacekeeping”

Підключення за посиланням:  https://meet.google.com/jgv-feuz-hsp

Lecture title:

The UN and the maintenance of peace and security: Upholding International Law

Abstract of the lecture:

This open lecture is aimed at providing an overview of the development of legal frameworks that defined the role of the United Nations (UN) in the maintenance of international peace and security. While the UN Charter has established itself as an instrument of international law, the development of international law has been a key part of the work of the UN. The lecture discusses how the major principles of international relations have been promoted by the UN and its Charter throughout the history, including sovereign equality of states, general prohibition of the use of force in international relations, and the responsibility of the international community as a whole to protect vulnerable people.

Dr. Hana Umezawa, Professor of International Relations, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

LLB, MA from Keio University (Tokyo, Japan) MSc in International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK)

Ph.D. in International Relations, the University of Kent (Canterbury, UK)

Hana Umezawa has taught at some of the most reputable universities, including Maastricht University (the Netherlands), Queen Mary University London (UK), Hitotsubashi University (Tokyo, Japan) and Keio University (Tokyo, Japan).

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